Wednesday, May 25, 2005

This and That Echoes Again

Time has a way of running away and this is an apology for the late postings two weeks in a row.

This & That Echoes Again
If you are a regular CyberScribbles reader, you know the “This & That” columns are miscellaneous websites I’ve found that I have not lumped into one category. This week, visit a pair of “real estate” sites whose offerings are unlikely to make the pages of the Beacher. Then peek in on a guy who has inventoried everything in his household and put it on display for anyone to see. Find garage sales in Indiana or anywhere else and start your own inventory; then get serious and view a Webby Award-nominated up-to-the-hour global news-in-pictures website that deserves acclaim.

Missile Bases For Sale (.You will wonder if you’ve entered the Land of Oz when you visit this Kansas-based realty website. Come to think of it, own an underground missile site and you’ll have no more concerns about tornadoes. Or suntans. Sites are for sale in Kansas and Texas, and one of them has already been converted into somewhat pleasant-looking living quarters. If you are in the market for something completely different in the way of housing, this is the website for you.

Caboose Homes . First, this is not hobo-style living. You can build or rent yourself a unique living space if the romance of the rails is in your blood. A few years ago when we brought you a story about the Parke County covered bridges, my friend Miff and I stumbled upon a real caboose retreat home when we got lost on a lonely country road. We thought it was cute, but it is unlikely we would find it again. However, there is a rental up near Lake Superior for anyone who wants to brag about spending their summer vacation in really different surroundings.

An Orderly Guy .Go ahead and peek into my underwear drawer, says Mr. McClintock. I didn’t. Instead, I ruffled around through his kitchen cabinets and basement boxes. I could not believe that I was still poking around in this man’s stuff 30 minutes after arriving at his website. By the way, he lives in a 2-story bungalow and he could probably hire himself out as personal organizer. He would need many gigabytes for a website devoted to my own household inventory.

Garage Sale Lister . Want to find where this weekend’s garage sales are going to be? Visit this site and you can peruse listings from any state. In Indiana, most were Indianapolis-based. The closest I found was Dyer. You can post your own garage sale listing if you want. Full-time RV-ers might want to bookmark this website. Garage sale addicts need to check it out.

10 X 10 News . “10x10 is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time.. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. Over the course of days, months, and years, 10x10 leaves a trail of these hourly statements which, stitched together side by side, form a continuous patchwork tapestry of human life.” That quote comes straight from J-Blog ( and cannot be said any better. You might want to consider doing a screen capture of a particular date to put in a newborn’s scrapbook.