Sunday, June 12, 2005


Stargazing hits a peak during summer months. Balmy evenings outside, on a deck, on the beach, or wherever—naturally attract eyes to the skies. UFO sightings ebb and flow like the tides, and numerous people around the globe like to track sightings and share their experiences. Yours truly reported seeing one many years ago when I was living close to the Mississippi River in Illinois. And I happened to be vacationing in Arizona, when, on three consecutive visits, I and thousands of others witnessed unusual phenomena in the pre-dawn sky. Whereas I don’t go out of my way looking for unidentified objects, a good many on the Internet do. Here are some websites that go into great detail about past and present sightings, Area 51, the Air Force Blue Book, and much more.

Ufologie. This website comes from France, where Patrick Gross has put together a global information network of UFO watchers, seekers, explainers and more. I did not watch the network television special on UFO’s that aired several months ago, but much of what was described in that program is referenced on this site. There is enough information here to keep you occupied for hours, if this is a topic that interests you. I had no idea there was a print publication titled “Flying Saucer Review,” and one of its subscribers is Prince Charles, according to their website.

NICAP. This is listed as the Directory of the Best UFO Evidence, brought to you by the National Investigations Committee of Aerial Phenomena. Here, and at other UFO-related sites, you can read documents released through the Freedom of Information Act that may, or may not give you a clearer picture on what is really going on in the skies above.

Michigan UFO’s . I figured I would look around for some local sighting websites, and I found several in the Midwest. This Michigan website has a state sighting map that pinpoints all the places around the state where people have reported seeing unexplained phenomena in the heavens above. Plus, readers have written in their personal sighting reports. The writers are for the most part, articulate and most come across as sincere.

Mutual UFO Network of Indiana .On this website I learned that former LaPorte resident Orville Hartle wrote a book about UFO sightings called A Carbon Experiment, published by Indiana University Press in the 1960”s. The book is out of print, but the LaPorte Library has a copy. Meanwhile, Hoosier UFO spotters have an opportunity to report their sightings at this website. Browsing through the list, I noticed that someone from Gary reported an unusual sighting back in April. But there are other reports, more dated, from Michigan City, Chesterton, and the southern parts of Porter and LaPorte counties.

National UFO Reporting Center . There are lots of websites to report individual sightings (such as the two mentioned above), but this is the “official” place, I am assuming. I will have to bookmark it before my next trip to Arizona…

Filer’s Files . This website is a bit more “sensational” than those previously mentioned. Besides UFO’s, Mr. Filer discusses in detail Area 51, orbs, crop circles, aliens, and Mars.

Observation of Extraterrestrial Anomalies . More art and science than, say, Filer’s Files, the anomaly photos are interesting, as is the explanations and calculations given by the website’s creator. Keep an open, curious mind as you peruse the pages here. For that matter, keep an open mind to all these websites. Some stuff might be hogwash, but other information will pique your imagination.